Product Specification :-
Day Use @ 245mm @ 5 Pads @ Wings @ 16 Packs
MiniPad / Pantyliner @ 185mm @ 12 Pads @ Wings @ 4 Packs
Felizi is the ideal hygienic sanitary napkin that works to kill 99.9 percent of bacteria. Strengthen the body’s immune system, promote better sleep, maintain a healthy alkaline pH balance, may act as pain relief, balance the autonomic nervous system, neutralize free radicals and help to purify your blood…
Felizi天然负离子是理想的卫生巾,可杀死 99.9% 的细菌。增强身体的免疫系统,促进更好的睡眠,保持健康的碱性 pH 值平衡,可以缓解疼痛,平衡自主神经系统,中和自由基,帮助净化血液.
PREVENTS ( 预防 ):-
Urinary Tract Infections (U.T.I ) 尿 道感染
Myoma 子宫肌瘤
Dysmejorrhea 经痛
Vaginal Infection / Irritation 阴道感染 / 瘙痒
Gynecological Inflammation 妇科炎等等症状
Hormonal Imbalance 荷尔蒙不平衡
Cervical Cancer 子宫颈癌
Hemorrhoids 痔核
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